Kathy Johnson

Kathy Johnson

Kathy Johnson

Kathy is a natural and intuitive healer, offering a safe and grounded space for people to express and heal themselves.  

She draws on her experience, wisdom and knowledge to offer a truly holistic practice.  Nowadays her main focus is on the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Reiki and Readings.

EFT has its roots in both ancient and more modern methods of healing, ie. acupuncture and kinesiology, respectively. Gary Craig is responsible for developing EFT and for its widespread popularity.

It is referred to as acupuncture for the emotions.  Instead of needles, a very gentle tapping sequence is used.  It works on the premise that 'all negative emotions are caused by a disruption in the energy field.' 

So by addressing the emotional issue at hand, and at the same time tapping on the meridian system, the disruption can be removed - taking the emotional ‘charge’ away; so that you are left with the memory, but not the upsetting feeling.