In the wake of films such as Cowspiracy, many more of us are questioning whether or not to eat meat and dairy. But is it necessary — or even desirable — to become fully vegan, or is there a middle way?
Speaker Peter Brown is the director of the Biodynamic Association and has farmed biodynamically all his life, first in South Africa, and then in Germany, before moving to Tablehurst Farm in Sussex in 1994.
Speaker Mark Killick has been a nutritional therapist since 2007, with clinics in London and Brighton. He is Technical & Strategic Relations Manager for the Alliance for Natural Health International, was the nutritionist for the Glenn Hoddle Football Academy in Spain, and has worked as a consultant on the Channel 4 television programme 10 Years Younger.
Speaker Dominik Schnell is the co-creator of inSpiral foods and runs a vegan cafe in London. He is passionate about inspiring people to make positive change, and believes that food holds many of the keys to a better future for humanity.
Chair Sian Thomas recently became involved with the production of locally sourced, organic meat, after her shepherd partner bought a flock of organic lambs. Raised as a vegetarian, she has been vegan and pescatarian in the past, but now eats local, organic or wild, non-mass-produced meat.
Join the discussion at 7.30pm on Friday 10 February 2017 at Pelham House, Lewes.
Adult - £8
Full time students/16 and under - £6
To buy tickets, click here