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The Medicine Wheel Taster Day

  • Beechwood Hall, Beechwood Lane, Cooksbridge, East Sussex, BN7 3QG (map)

A Shamanic Practice: re-connecting you to your true essence, walking your talk.

What would your life look like if you stepped away from the dramas, conflicts and fear and you stepped into the sacred space of peace, happiness and wellbeing?.

We are all creators, dreaming our worlds into being.Are you sourcing your dreams from the past and creating more of what you already have OR are you sourcing from the future you choose? Let’s source a world that we want. One where we are living harmoniously with all our relations...a world where we all experience freedom, happiness, wholeness and joy.

What is being offered during the taster day?

Ali Rabjohns and Marc Wood are shamanic practitioners and experienced facilitators,
who have trained in the energy medicine of the Q’ero nation. They would love to share some simple yet powerful healing and shamanic practices that help us to experience the world through new eyes.

These practices can help us develop an effective daily rhythm that enables us to walk a path of beauty and abundance. This workshop will be experiential and fun, weaving together energy exercises, shamanic journeying and healing techniques to provide a complete package for your mind, body and soul to grow to into it’s highest potential.

COST: £85: (A £30 deposit is payable in advance to secure your place). Some food is provided but we will ask you to bring something delicious to share for lunch.


Ali Rabjohns and Marc Wood are experienced shamanic practitioners who have trained with Alberto Villoldo and the Four Winds Society, with Juan and Ivan Nuñez del Prado and Chris Waters. They run regular workshops and healing sessions for groups and individuals. 

To book your place please phone Ali on 07528 614 747 or contact her by email on 

May you walk in beauty.


Earlier Event: September 11
Tai Chi for Beginners
Later Event: September 16
Sourdough Bread