Living Food Day
A nourishing day of food wisdoms from living soil to vibrant plants to healthy humans,
Daphne takes you on a journey to show you how food choices affect our health and the health of the environment
Discover ways to prepare nutrient dense food that help heal and maintain health.
Make quick and easy irresistible dishes from seasonal, local, organic produce and enjoy them for lunch.
Learn about the health benefits of herbal tonics & lacto fermented vegetables.
A hands on day in the kitchen, full of inspiration to feast both body and mind.
The Living Food Day runs from 10.00am - 4.00pm and costs £95.00 to include a presentation, hands on cooking, lunch & recipes to take home with you.
This is a popular day and places are limited to just 6 people. Discover ways to use herbs & foods to support you during the winter months.